
培训者培训模式在护理人员压疮防治知识培训中的应用 被引量:28

Application of a Training The Trainers Model in the training of pressure ulcer prevention knowledge among nursing staff
摘要 目的探索应用培训者培训模式对护士进行压疮防治知识培训的效果。方法采用培训者培训模式由8名教育者对47名培训者进行压疮防治知识培训;培训前后分别评估培训者二次培训能力和压疮防治知识,培训后对培训课程内容进行评估。结果培训后培训者二次培训能力自评总得分(3.13±0.70)分高于培训前(2.77±0.95)分(P<0.05),培训者压疮防治知识得分(14.94±1.96)分高于培训前(13.26±1.84)分(P<0.01)。培训课程内容合适性(3.99±0.52)分,全面性(4.04±0.52)分,实用性(4.02±0.54)分。结论培训者培训模式对压疮防治知识的培训是一种有效的模式。 Objective To explore the effects of the Training The Trainers Model in the pressure ulcer prevention knowledge training among nursing staff. Methods According to the Training The Trainers model ,47 nurses were involved as trainers and received pressure ulcer knowledge training. The training capacity and pressure ulcer prevention knowledge of trainers were assessed before and after training. After training, the contents of this training program were evaluated. Results The self - assessment score of trainers' training capacity after training( 3.13 ± 0. 70 ) was significantly higher than before (2.77 ± 0. 95 ) ( P 〈 0.05 ). And after training, the knowledge score about preventing pressure ulcer increased from ( 13.26 ± 1.84 ) to ( 14.94 ± 1.96 ) significantly ( P 〈 0.01 ). The score of appropriateness about training contents was (3.99 ± 0.52), the score of comprehensiveness was ( 4.04 ± 0.52 ), and the usefulness score was (4.02 ± 0.54). Conclusion The Training The Trainers model is effective in the training of pressure ulcer prevention knowledge among nursing staff.
出处 《护理管理杂志》 2010年第6期438-440,共3页 Journal of Nursing Administration
关键词 压疮 培训者培训模式 护理人员 知识 pressure ulcer Training The Trainers Model nursing staff knowledge
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