主要介绍供电局客户信用等级评价系统的应用,在客户关系管理基础上采用J2EE的体系结构,以ORACLE 10.2做数据库,通过BI数据分析工具MicroStrategy8.1实现OLAP联机事务分析功能,为业务操作员人员提供简单方便的Web应用。该系统实现了对电力营销数据挖掘分析,可跟踪用电客户缴费情况,构建客户信用等级评估体系,形成客户信用预警机制,采取适宜的电费催收策略,有效规避客户欠费风险。全面提高供电企业决策水平、管理质量和工作效率。
This thesis introduces the application of the customer credit assessment by Huizhou Power Supply Bureau.Upon the basis of the customer credit assessment,J2EE system is adopted together with the data warehouse of ORACLE 10.2 through the BI data analyzing tool of MicroStrategy8.1 to realize the OLAP and provide the convenient web application to the operators.This system has realized the excavation and analysis of the electric power operation data.It can be used to track the users payment of the electric bills,establish the customer credit grade assessment system,build up the customer credit prewarning mechanism,adopt the proper strategies of collecting the power supply fees and effectively avoid the risk of the customers delay or arrearage of the electric fees.Thus the overall level of decision making,management quality and work efficiency of the enterprise can be improved.
Network & Computer Security
Customer Relationship
Data Warehouse
Customer Credit