目的探讨一种简单、安全、有效的直肠黏膜下注射术的方法。方法应用普通5号头皮针、管型肛门镜,不用麻醉行直肠黏膜下注射,治疗直肠黏膜脱垂、内痔出血等疾病。结果 106例患者均达到满意结果 ,未发生不良反应,也未出现并发症。结论应用头皮针普通管型肛门镜行直肠黏膜下注射术,容易掌握,安全可靠,简单易行。适合于门诊及住院患者,值得大力推广。
Objective To explore a simple,safe and effective method of rectal submucosal injection operation.Methods Without anesthesia,with common 5 scalp needle,tube anal mirror,line rectal submucosal injection to treat rectal mucosa prolapse,bleeding hemorrhoids and other diseases.Results 106 cases of patients had satisfactory results,without adverse reactions,but also without any complication.Conclusion Application of scalp acupuncture ordinary mirror line tube anal mucosa injection technique is easy to grasp,safe,reliable.For outpatients and inpatients,is worth promoting.
Chinese Journal of Modern Drug Application