
“1494年一代人”与意大利战争研究 被引量:1

Generation of 1494 and the Research of the Italian Wars
摘要 16世纪初的西方历史著述进入了一个转折时期,尼科洛·马基雅维里的《君主论》和《佛罗伦萨史》、弗兰西斯科·圭恰迪尼的《意大利史》和《格言与反思》等论著相继问世,西方史家在分析这一特殊现象时,都不约而同地将之与意大利战争联系起来,认为这场几乎影响整个西欧的持久战争促成了欧洲政治意识形态的嬗变,反映出他们对意大利战争所产生的影响和对那个时代的"新政治"的见解,他们被称为"1494年一代人"。意大利战争的影响在他们身上显而易见,他们的著作也为意大利战争研究提供了直接或间接的历史见解。 The western historical writings was in the age of transition in the early Sixteenth Century, It gave birth to Machiavelli's Prince and The History of Florence, Guicciardini's The History of Italy and Maxims and Reflections and so on. Western historians associate these works with the Italian Wars and see the influence of the Italian Wars. The modern political consciousness was born in the Ital- ian Wars. This vision was created by an incomparable constellation of men of genius who, consti- tuting what might he identified as the generation of 1494, witnessed and helped to bring about the birth of new politics. We can see the confluence of the Italian Wars. These works can give us the insights of the Italian Wars, and are helpful to the research of the Italian Wars.
作者 蒲利民
出处 《历史教学(下半月)》 CSSCI 2010年第6期63-70,共8页 History Teaching
关键词 “1494年一代人” 意大利战争 马基雅维里 圭恰迪尼 Generation of 1494, the Italian Wars, Machiavelli, Guicciardini
  • 相关文献


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  • 2La Monarchie de France(Paris,1961).
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