C++ Builder是一个功能齐全的Windows应用程序开发工具,它的应用非常广泛。由于分布式计算技术和Web的迅速发展,数据库应用系统在传统C/S结构的基础上,发展成为新的三层或多层结构。该文主要讲述了如何建立多层分布式数据库系统以及在系统中运用的几个实用的小技巧。
C + + Builder is a fully functional Windows application development tool, it is widely used. As the distributed computing technologies and the rapid development of Web database application system in the traditional C/ S structure as a basis to develop a new 3 -layer or muhilayer structure. This paper mainly describes how to build multi-tier distributed database system used in the system, as well as a few practical tips.
Journal of Guangdong Agriculture Industry Business Polytechnic