

The Guarantee of the Democratic Rights of Party Members and the Present Mission of Inner-Party Democracy
摘要 党员的主体地位在本质上就是党员的民主权利。党员在党内当家做主,有效行使民主权利是党内民主的本质与核心,也是党员主体地位的本质与核心。党的十七大以来,党内民主业已成为党的建设的主旋律,全面推进党的建设新的伟大工程中当前时代新课题就是要回答"发展什么样的党内民主,怎样发展党内民主"这一时代新课题。而如何实现党员的主体地位,切实保障党员的民主权力,也日益成为党内民主建设的核心。发展党内民主,切实保障党员民主权利,从主观方面来看需要重视对党员民主素质的培养与提高,从客观方面来看需要着重于制度的精细化建设,在此基础上结合党员民主权利授予与行使过程这一载体,在党内决策、执行、监督各项"权力"运行过程中,确保党员民主权利的有效行使与主体地位的充分体现。 The dominant position of party members, in essence, is the democratic fights of Party members. Party members are the masters their own affairs in the party, and the effective exercise of democratic rights is the essence and core of not only inner - party democracy but also the dominant position of party members. Since the Partyg 17th Congress, inner - party democracy has become a theme of party building and comprehensively promote the partyg construction of a new great project of the current era and a new task is to answer the era~ new question of "what kind of inner - party democracy to develop and how to develop inner - party democracy. " And how to achieve the dominant position of party members and earnestly protect the democratic fights of party members have also increasingly become the core of the building of inner - party democracy. The development of inner - party democracy, and earnestly protect the democratic fights of Party members, from a subjective point of view, need to focus on the cultivation of party members and improvement of the quality of democ- racy, and from an objective point of view need to focus on the refinement of system construction. On this basis, together with the granting and the exercise of the democratic fights of party members as a carrier, in the course of the exercising of inner - party decision - making, implementation, monitoring of the "power", to ensure the effective exercise of democratic fights of party members and the full embodiment of their main position.
作者 乔丽军
出处 《兵团教育学院学报》 2010年第3期30-36,共7页 Journal of Bingtuan Education Institute
关键词 党员 主体地位 党员民主权利 党内民主 党的建设 时代新课题 路径建构 dominant position of party members democratic rights of party members inner - party democracy partyconstruction times' new question construction of methods
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