EHF频段是下一代卫星通信系统优选的工作频段,设备的研制越来越迫切。上变频器是系统中关键的设备,通过应用仿真软件对频率配置、杂散等指标进行了仿真分析,研制了上变频器,设备实现了L频段到EHF频段2 GHz带宽的频率变换,EHF频段1 dB输出功率大于+16 dBm,2 GHz带宽内幅频特性小于3.5 dB。通过增加补偿措施,实现较小的带内幅频特性。
The EHF band is a new band for satellite communication, research and production of L/EHF up-converter are becoming more and more important. The designed electrical performance is optimized by using simulation software. An L/EHF up-converter is presented, and in EHF band (span: 2GHz) ,output power of 16dBm and gain flatness of 3.5dB are obtained.
Radio Communications Technology