
超深亚微米IC的宇宙射线辐射软失效研究 被引量:2

Investigation of Terrestrial Cosmic Rays Induced Failures on Deep Sub-Micro IC
摘要 辐射引起的软失效一直是影响半导体可靠性的一个重大问题。特别是宇宙射线引起的在地球表面的高能中子,由于其特有的高穿透性很难有效屏蔽防护。介绍了其造成半导体器件软失效的失效机理,并利用加速软失效测试模型分别对90,65和45 nm工艺的随机静态存储器的软失效率进行了分析,研究了该类中子造成的软失效率的影响因素及相关规律。据此预测了更高工艺技术产品的中子软失效率,在为芯片设计和制造阶段就对中子辐射可靠性的防护提供了一定的参考和依据。 The soft error from radiation is always a key threat to product reliability of IC especially for the soft errors induced by terrestrial cosmic rays containing high-energy neutrons,which is difficult to be shielded due to its high penetration capability.The failure mechanism of soft errors was introduced in detail.Accelerate soft error rate(ASER)model is used to analyzed the soft error rate(SER)induced by terrestrial cosmic rays on the SRAM made by advanced technologies of 90,65 and 45 nm.Moreover,the impact factors and guidelines for such soft errors were investigated,which could be used as informative references for design as well as production.
机构地区 中芯国际
出处 《半导体技术》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第6期555-559,共5页 Semiconductor Technology
关键词 宇宙射线 中子 软失效 单粒子翻转 cosmic ray neutron soft error single event upset(SEU)
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