研究《哥白尼索引》(Index Copernicus,IC)收录我国期刊的现状以及2004~2009年对我国高校学报的评估结果(IC Value,简称ICV).利用IC数据库进行检索统计,对检索结果采用文献计量学方法进行分析.截止2010年3月中旬,IC收录我国期刊410种,其中大陆地区400种、香港特别行政区7种、台湾地区3种;410种期刊中高校学报108种,全部来自我国大陆地区.2009年ICV前百种中国期刊中,高校学报29种,较2008年减少了1种.108种高校学报来自我国21个省市自治区,其中《内蒙古师范大学学报:自然科学汉文版》2009年入选IC数据库,ICV2009=9.00,与《浙江大学学报:理学版A辑》等10种高校学报并列第1.虽然我国入选IC数据库的期刊ICV普遍较低,还没有一种期刊入选ICV2009世界百强期刊之列,但是绝大多数入选多年的期刊ICV均有不同程度的提高.就整体而言,提高办刊质量依然是我国高校学报发展的当务之急.
The status that Chinese journals were indexed by Index Copernicus (IC) and the changes of IC values (ICV) of Chinese university journals indexed from 2004 to 2009 are investigated. The statistical data were obtained from IC Database and the bibliometrics mothed is used to analyze the data. Up to the middle of March 2010,410 journals from China (China mainland. 400 journals, Hong Kong. 7 journals and Taiwan;3 journals) had been indexed by IC. There are 29 Chinese university journals in top 100 Chinese journals in 2009,a reduction compared with 2008. 108 of 410 journals are university journals from 21 provinces, municipalities, and autonomous regions. Journal of Inner Mongolia Normal University. Natural Science Edition (ISSN 1001-8735) indexed by IC in 2009 ,its ICV is 9.00, which is tied for first place of 108 university journals with Journal of Zhejiang University Science A . An international applied physics engineering journal (1673-565X) and other 8 university journals. Although the ICVs of the Chinese journals selected by IV are generally low and no one was selected for ICV2009 hundred journals in the world,the ICVs for vast majority of selected journals are improved at different degrees. On the whole,it is important to improve the quality of our university journals in the future.
Journal of Inner Mongolia Normal University(Natural Science Edition)
Index Copernicus
Chinese university j ournals
Index Copernicus value in 2009 (ICV2009) statistical analysis