

Motochi 1970-1975:A Strategy of Ideological Opposition in the Use and Production of a Motorcycle
摘要 摩托车是智利现代化进程中具有强烈政治色彩的工业产品。追述"Motochi"品牌摩托车的创意过程、生产和消费策略及其社会功能,提出产品在日常生活中的淘汰规律反映了背后的意识形态变迁。论述了抵制进口与去高科技的工业化模式曾经是智利这样的发展中国家维护本土形象和利益的有力工具。 Motorcycle was an industrial product closely interconnected with politics for Chile's modernization.This article discusses Motochi's design innovation,strategies in its production and use, and its social function.It maintains that daily use or disuse of the product revealed the impact of changing political ideology,and demonstrates that the industrial model for substitution of importations while with low technological standards was once an effective tool to safeguard the interests of a developing country like Chile.
出处 《新建筑》 2010年第2期32-44,共13页 New Architecture
关键词 智利 摩托车 Motochi 意识形态 抵制进口的工业化 Chile motorcycle Motochi ideology industrialization for the substitution of importations(ISI)
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