目的初步了解山西省部分地区、部分人群丙型肝炎病毒(HCV)感染分布特点。方法采用查阅文献与描述性流行病学、实验室检测相结合的方法,对山西省HIV感染者、既往有偿采供血人员、无偿献血人群的HCV感染特点进行初步调查分析。结果山西省160例HIV感染者中检出HCV阳性111例,其中男性97例(60.6%),女性14例(8.75%)。2 875例既往有偿采供血人员中,检出HCV阳性500例,其中男性298例(10.37%),女性202例(7.03%)。1 496例无偿献血人群中共检出HCV阳性5例,其中男性3例(0.2%),女性2例(0.13%)。结论有吸毒史的HIV感染者及既往有偿采供血人员是丙型肝炎的高危人群,由于目前对丙型肝炎的治疗既缺乏有效手段,又没有特异的疫苗。因此,保障安全用血,对高危人群加强宣传教育,做好防治工作,是阻断HCV传播的主要方法。
Objective This research is aimed to preliminarily illustrate the distribution of the HCV infection of certain population in some parts of Shanxi Province.Methods Based on literature review and descriptive epidemiology,an investigation was carried out on the characteristics of HCV infection of the HIV-positive population,previous paid blood donors and blood collection staffs,along with unpaid blood donors.Results Among the 160 HIV-positive respondents,111 was detected as HCV-positive,and the infection rate for male(60.6%) is higher than that for female(8.75%).Among the 2 875 responded previous paid blood donors and blood collection staffs,500 HCV-positive was detected,and the infection rate for male is 10.37% while for female is 7.03%.Among the 1496 responded volunteer blood donors,5 was detected as HCV-positive,and the infection rate for male is 0.2% while for female is 0.13%.Conclusion The drug addicts with HIV-positive and previous paid blood donors are the high risk population of HCV.Currently,there is no effective treatment or specific vaccination for Hepatitis C,hence,the prevention for high risk population is the main way to avoid the spread of HCV.
Chinese Journal of Public Health Management