
基于Allan方差法的光纤陀螺建模与仿真 被引量:19

Modeling and Simulation of Fiber Optic Gyros Based on Allan Variance Method
摘要 介绍了一种与实际情况相接近的陀螺模型,并给出了根据光纤陀螺的角度随机游走(ARW)和角速率随机游走(RRW)系数模拟产生陀螺随机误差数据的方法.角度随机游走和角速率随机游走系数可通过Allan方差法获得.理论分析表明,模拟产生的陀螺随机误差具有与实际的角度随机游走和角速率随机游走误差相一致的功率谱密度.通过仿真对文中所述的模拟产生陀螺随机误差的方法进行了验证,表明了方法的有效性.该方法可用于分析由陀螺和星敏感器构成的卫星姿态确定系统的性能. In this paper, a high fidelity gyro model is described, and a method is presented for the random errors simulated according to the angular random walk (ARW) and rate random walk (RRW) coef- ficients of fiber optic gyros estimated by using the Allan variance method. It is shown that the power spectral densities (PSD) of the generated random errors are coincident with those of the real angular random walk and rate random walk. The effectiveness of the presented random error generation method is validated by the simulation. This method can be used to evaluate the performance of the satellite attitude determination system that consists of gyros and star sensors.
出处 《空间控制技术与应用》 2010年第3期7-13,共7页 Aerospace Control and Application
基金 国家自然科学基金(60702019) 863计划(2007AA12Z325)资助项目
关键词 光纤陀螺 建模 仿真 ALLAN方差 fiber optic gyro modeling simulation Allan variance
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