
基于关联主义的个人学习网络管理系统 被引量:3

Connetivism-Based Personal Learning Networks Management System(LNMS)
摘要 随着学习理论的发展和网络通讯技术的进步,网络教学(学习)系统在经历了CMS、LMS、LCMS和LAMS的四个阶段之后,面对学习者新的学习需求,又将呈现新的功能特征。建设学习网络管理系统(LNMS)的理念,将学习者关系管理纳入学习管理的过程,对于构建一个支持学习者非正式学习和社会化学习的网络环境,具有重要意义。 As the development of learning theories and the advance of communication network technologies, networked teaching (learning) system has witnessed four stages: CMS, LMS, LCMS and LAMS. In this paper, the authors put forward Learning Networks Management System (LNMS) for designing an informal learning environment after reviewing the evolution of networked teaching (learning) system, and then they highlight relationship management in LNMS. The main purpose of this paper is to give some suggestions to the researchers and designers of the networked informal and social learning environment.
机构地区 华南师范大学
出处 《广东广播电视大学学报》 2010年第3期14-20,共7页 Journal of Guangdong Radio & Television University
关键词 关联主义 学习网络管理系统 LNMS SNS Connetivism learning networks management system LNMS SNS
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