Resource constraints and concerns about carbon emissions are going to seriously affect industries servicing the built environment.To deal with these issues,communities around the world will increasingly be looking to regulation,financial incentives and disincentives,carbon trading,carbon taxes,and others.Carbon trading is a model based on the emissions trading schemes originating in the USA to deal with local pollution issues.The international negotiations in Copenhagen in December 2009 exposed the difficulties of coming to a global consensus on reducing carbon emissions.However,this may spur regions and cities to take the slack as city-dwellers begin to feel the effects of climate change.Cities often have decision-making processes that enable them to move more quickly and effectively than national and global political bodies.A large part of the contribution of cities in this regard will be related to the built environment.There will be increasing expectations on the building sector to act,but also the best opportunities in any sector for emissions reductions are building-related.Other issues outlined in this paper include the need for strong policy and pricing signals and the opportunities for early adapters.
World Architecture