The Great Depression in 1930s triggered a great debate about the strategy and role of American foreign economic policy, and the debate precipitated the change of American trade policy decision-making regime which was erected by 1934 RTAA. Compared to the former highly protective tariff acts controlled by the Congress, in the RTAA, the Congress delegated its constitutionally granted power to raise or lower tariff rates to the president in a certain period and withdrew its power to ratify foreign trade agreements. However, the RTAA contained some critical compromises, such as the president's delegated power was just temporary, and the president had to take into full consideration the necessity to protect the ment. In spite of that, the birth of RTAA and domestic production before signing a trade agree- its successful extensions thereafter, in some extent changed the traditional American trade protectionism, and provided the foundation for U.S. participation in the several rounds of multilateral tariff-reduction negotiations and trade liberalization under GATr.
History Teaching