A new developed simulation algorithm based on diffusion limited aggregation simulation techniques to simulate the cake formation and growth in surface falters at an individual particle level. In the model, the modeled aerosol particles were introduced from control window far away from fibers" surface. Convective diffusion was assumed to be the main mechanism of particle transport and deposition. The Peclet number, which defines the contribution of convective and diffusional effects on deposition, was used for analysis of an influence of both effects on the structure of dust cake. Local porosity of dust cake were calculated for the Peclet number ranging from 0.25 tol600. The simula- tion results showed that the Peclet number have a greater effect on the cake's structure. When the diffusional deposition of particles has stronger influence over a convective effect, cake has more loose structure than that obtained at the higher value of the Peclet number. In ad- dition, since the particle size in the suspension is likely to be no uniform in practical applications, The effect of size distribution on the structure of dust cake were also investigated.
Journal of Filtration & Separation
fibrous filtration
dust cake porosity
computer simulation