
含氧组分燃料降低装甲车辆柴油机碳烟排放的研究 被引量:4

Study on Soot Emission of Diesel Engine Using Oxygenate Fuel
摘要 在不对柴油机结构进行任何改动的情况下,通过台架试验研究了2种含氧组分燃料—生物柴油和碳酸二甲酯(DMC)对某型装甲车辆柴油机缸内燃烧过程、动力性和排放的影响。结果表明:添加20%的生物柴油会使缸内压力曲线略有前移,对动力性影响不大,外特性扭矩最大降幅小于2%,在中、高转速时降低碳烟排放22%~46%;柴油中添加20%的生物柴油和10%DMC,会使缸内压力曲线后移,压力峰值降低,外特性扭矩降低约5%,降烟效果更好,降低幅度均在25%以上,最高可降61.5%.2种方案NOx排放都有一定程度升高,个别工况下升高约10%. A bench experiment on soot emission of an armed vehicle's diesel engine with oxygenate fuel was carried out. The effects of bio-diesel fuel and dimethyl carbonate (DMC) , as oxygenate additive, on engine smoke were investigated. The results show that, adding bio-diesel of 20% into the fuel, the cylinder pressure curve moves forward slightly, the performance drops a little, and the soot emission decreases by 22% ~46% in middle and high speed with 0 - 100% load; adding bio-diesel of 20% and DMC of 10% , the cylinder pressure curve moves backward and the peak value decreases, the external characteristic torque drops by 5% , the soot emission decreases by 25% to 61.5%. The NO emission for both ca- ses increases by 10% in some conditions.
出处 《兵工学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第5期611-615,共5页 Acta Armamentarii
基金 清华大学汽车安全与节能国家重点实验室项目(KF09091)
关键词 动力机械工程 柴油机 生物柴油 碳酸二甲酯 排放 power machinery engineering diesel engine bio-diesel fuel dimethyl carbonate emission
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