
我国脑梗死药物临床试验评价标准的探讨 被引量:3

Discussion on the standardization for the clinical trials of drug therapy for cerebral infarction
摘要 目前国内药物治疗脑梗死临床试验中的一些标准尚无定论。本文讨论了临床试验中的脑梗死的分类、试验时的纳入标准、疗效指标、观察时间。提出试验时应充分考虑脑梗死发生后不同的病理及临床过程,进行合理的试验设计。 The standardization for the clinical trials of drug therapy for cerebral infarction has not yet determined in some aspects.In this paper,we discussed the classification of cerebral infarction,the eligibility,the evaluation of therapeutic effects and duration of followed up.The different pathologic and clinical process of cerebral infarction must be taken into consideration by the designers of clinical trials.
作者 石进 胡文娟
出处 《中国新药杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第11期917-920,936,共5页 Chinese Journal of New Drugs
关键词 脑梗死 临床试验 评价标准 cerebral infarction clinical trails evaluation standardization
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