介绍了DOR(DeltaV Operator for RS3)操作站的概念和特点,重点介绍了在实际应用中通过编写DOR标准组件的内部脚本以完善通用操作模板功能的方法,以及为实现RS3和DeltaV系统人机界面的一致性,同步切换工具栏、报警栏的技巧。
The concept and features of DOR (DeltaV Operator for RS3) were introduced in this article. Some methods, such that of writing inner scenario of DOR standard used in practice so as to improve the general modulus, realization of consistence of man-machine interface in RS3 and DeltaV system and synchronous transformation of tool bar and warning bar, were emphatically described .
Pharmaceutical Engineering Design