
中国襟属种类记述(襀翅目:科:亚科) 被引量:2

摘要 本文记述中国襟属TogoperlaKlapálek昆虫6种,其中包括3新种,即无色襟虫责Togoperlanoncoloris,sp.nov.;全黑襟虫责Togoperlatotanigra,sp.nov.和三角襟虫责Togoperlatriangulata,sp.nov.。模式标本保存在浙江大学植物保护系昆虫标本室(ZU)和西北农业大学昆虫博物馆(NWAU)。 Klapálek regarded Togoperla as a subgenus of Perla Geoffroy in 1907 and as the genus in 1914. Seven species are recorded by Klapálek (1923), eleven species by Claassen (1940) and seven species by Illies (1966) in Togoperla, and Wu took notes of five species of Togoperla from China. Sivec et al. revised Togoperla and four valid species are known in 1988. A species of Togoperla from Thailand was named by Stark and Sivec in 1991. Three species of Togoperla so far are present in China. Three new species, Togoperla noncoloris Du et Chou. Togoperla triangulata Du et Chou and Togoperla totanigra Du et Chou are described in this paper and a key to the six Chinese species is also proposed. The type specimens of the new species are deposited in the Insect Collection, Department of plant protection, Zhejiang University (ZU) and Entomological Museum of Northwestern Agricultural University (NWAU). The body length is measured from head to tip of folded wings. Abbreviation of tergum is T. The new species are described as follows: 1. Togoperla noncoloris Du et Chou, sp. n. (Figs.1~3) This new species is similar to Togoperla chekianensis (Chu) in the figure, but can be easily distinguished from the latter in the wing color、T5~9 and everted penis. Wings hyaline, T6~9 weak sclerotized and not membranous posteromesally with brown setose mesally; but infuscated wings with costal margins brownish yellow, T6~9 sclerotized anterolaterally and membranous posteromesally in the latter. A pair of small lateral lobes pasting penis tube and a pair of basal sclerites on penis tube in the latter, but a pair of larger lateral lobes and no basal sclerites in new species. Type material: Holotype ♂ (ZU), Jinxiu, Guangxi, 3-Ⅵ-1994, Du Yuzhou. Etymology: The new species is named after the color of its wings. 2. Togoperla totanigra Du et Chou, sp. n. (Figs.4~5) This new species is similar to Togoperla chekianensis (Chu), but can be easily distinguished from the latter by T6 and T9. T6 without membranous area and T9 membranous area posteromesally with a black chitinized patch in new species; but T6 membranous posteromesally and T9 without black chitinized patch in the latter. Type material: Holotype ♂ (ZU), Mt. Tianum, Zhejiang, 4-Ⅳ-1994, Zhang Daming. Etymology: The new species is named after the entire body black brown. 3. Togoperla triangulata Du et Chou, sp. n. (Figs.6~7) This new species is similar to Togoperla perpicta Klapálek in the figure, but differs from the latter in the color of head and wings, himitergites and everted penis. Head heavily brown with a large blackish brown area over ocelli, wings infuscated, himitergites triangular anterior process, the apex of the process and developed basal callus with many sensilla basiconica in new species; head black brown in the middle and brownish yellow on sides, costal margins brownish yellow, finger like anterior process long and large in the latter. Lateral lobes on penis tube covering small triangular spines in the latter, but no ones in new species. Type material: Holotype ♂ (ZU), Huaping, Longsheng, Guangxi, 3- Ⅵ-1994, Du Yuzhou. Partypes, 1♂ (ZU), 1♂(NWAU), the same data as the holotype. Etymology: The new species is named after triangular himitergites process.
作者 杜予州 周尧
出处 《Entomotaxonomia》 CSCD 1999年第1期1-8,共8页 昆虫分类学报(英文)
基金 国家自然科学基金
关键词 JI翅目 JI科 襟Ji属 新种 中国 Plecoptera, Perlidae, Togoperla, new species, China
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  • 1杨定 杨集昆.翅目: 科[J].西南武陵山地区昆虫,1992,:62-65.
  • 2杨定 杨集昆.湖北 翅目新种新记录[J].湖北大学学报:自然科学版,1991,13(4):369-372.
  • 3杨定 杨集昆.科:华东百山祖昆虫[M].北京:中国林业出版社,1995.59.
  • 4杨集昆,杨定.贵州省襀翅目昆虫之二[J].贵州科学,1991,9(1):48-50. 被引量:4
  • 5胡经甫.中国 翅目新种[J].昆虫学报,1973,16(2):97-118.
  • 6杨定,华东百山祖昆虫,1995年,59页
  • 7杨定,西南武陵山地区昆虫,1992年,62页
  • 8杨定,湖北大学学报,1991年,13卷,4期,369页
  • 9赵修复,福建昆虫名录,1982年,31页
  • 10胡经甫,昆虫学报,1973年,16卷,2期,97页











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