
水分胁迫对小麦幼苗抗氰呼吸和交替氧化酶基因表达的影响 被引量:9

Effects of Water Stress on the Cyanide resistant Respiration and Expression of the Alternative Oxidase Gene in Wheat Seedlings 
摘要 抗氰呼吸作为植物线粒体的两条主要呼吸电子传递途径之一,已证明在植物界普遍存在,与植物的许多生理过程和功能密切相关;它的发生或运行程度除与植物自身发育和内在生理状态有关外,还受许多外界条件(逆境因子)的影响[1~3]。有证据表明,机械损伤[4]、高温[... The effects of water stress on the development and operation of an alternative respiratory pathway and the expression of an alternative oxidase gene in wheat (Triticum aestivum L. cv. Longchun No.16) seedlings were investigated. When the roots of the seedlings were osmotically stressed with 0.5 MPa polyethylene glycol (PEG 6000) solutions for 24, 48 and 72 h, the leaves were subjected to mild, moderate and severe water stress respectively, while the roots only received mild water stress throughout the stress treatment as reflected by changes in relative water content (RWC). In response to the water stress conditions, the alternative pathway capacity (V alt ), the alternative pathway activity (ρV alt ) and its contribution to total respiration (ρV alt /V t) of leaves decreased progressively, while these parameters of roots were found to decrease at the first 24 h of stress and thereafter recover to the levels close to that of the control (0 h). These data indicate that the alternative pathway is sensitive to water stress and is adaptive to mild water stress. The results of Northern hybridization performed with total cellular RNA and an alternative oxidase gene (Aox) probe revealed that there was a good correlation between V alt (also ρV alt ) and the level of Aox mRNA in both leaves and roots, suggesting that the water stress induced decrease in the development and operation of alternative pathway was due, at least in part, to the inhibition of expressional synthesis of the alternative oxidase protein.
机构地区 四川大学生物系
出处 《Acta Botanica Sinica》 SCIE CAS CSCD 1999年第3期340-342,共3页 Acta Botanica Sinica(植物学报:英文版)
基金 国家自然科学基金
关键词 水分胁迫 交替氧化酶基因 小麦 抗氰呼吸 Water stress, Development of the alternative pathway, Operation of the alternative pathway, Expression of the alternative oxidase gene, Wheat
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  • 1梁厚果 余丽君 等.-[J].植物学报,1982,24:334-340.
  • 2李勤报 梁厚果.-[J].植物生理学报,1986,12:379-387.
  • 3梁五生 文江祁 等.-[J].植物学报,1997,39:527-533.
  • 4He J X,Physiologia Plantarum,1998年,102卷,49页
  • 5梁峥,Plant Physiology and Molecular Biology(in Chinese),1998年,344页
  • 6梁五生,植物学报,1997年,39卷,527页
  • 7He J X,Physiologia Plantarum,1995年,93卷,771页
  • 8李勤报,植物生理学报,1986年,12卷,379页
  • 9梁厚果,植物学报,1982年,24卷,334页












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