
基于半经验公式的水平轴风力机气动噪声预测 被引量:4

The Aerodynamic Noise Prediction of HAWT based on Semi-empirical Equations
摘要 在Brooks,Pope和Marcolini提出的翼型自噪声半经验公式的基础上,进一步集成了由Amiet提出的湍动来流噪声半经验公式,对型号为AOC-15/50风机在不同来流风速下的气动噪声进行了计算。计算方案把风力机叶片分成多个叶素,利用叶素动量理论计算叶素局部来流的相关特性求得每个叶素的声压级,再把每个叶素的声压级叠加得到整个风机的声压级,并预测了该型风力机在平均风速为8 m/s时的气动噪声。利用美国国家可再生能源实验室试验测定的数据对计算结果进行验证,结果表明计算结果与测定结果相当符合,这种计算方案可以较准确地预测风力机的气动噪声,为低噪声风力机的设计提供便捷有效的预测手段。 A model based on the semi-empirical equations of Brooks, Pope, and Marcolini and Amiet has been developed to predict aerodynamic noise from wind turbines. The model divides the blades of the wind turbine into two-dimensional airfoil sections and uses the Blade Element Momentum (BEM} technique to calculate the local inflow characteristics. Then predicts the noise from each blade element and gets the total noise emission as the sum of the contribution from each blade element. The model is applied to the AOC-15/50 wind turbine at a mean wind speed of 8 m/s. Comparisons of total noise spectra show good agreement with experimental data. The accuracy of the model is reliable. The model is an effective prediction method for designing the low noise wind turbine.
出处 《能源技术》 2010年第3期152-154,158,共4页 Energy Technology
关键词 水平轴风力机 气动噪声 半经验公式 叶素动量理论 wind turbine aerodynamic noise semi-empirical equations blade element momentum
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