In 2009,Chinese refineries overcame various unfavorable market factors,achieved good results in running.In order to meet the market demand,oil processing and main products increased.Product structural adjustment achieved significant effects.Diesel-gasoline ratio declined.Output of gasoline,high-grade road asphalt and some other products increased a lot.Comprehensive gasoline quality standards upgraded to the state Ⅲ,part of them reached EuroⅣ.The main technical economic indicators saw an overall improve.Oil product prices basically integrated with the international crude oil prices,reversing the substantial loss situation of the oil refining industry in 2008.Technical and economic indicators further improved.Capital investment structure was further optimized with a focus on product quality upgrade,low-grade crude oil processing and storage projects.For 2010,predictions foresee a total national crude oil processing volume of 390 million tons,an increase of 4%.In 2011,China's oil refining industry will continue to maintain the momentum of rapid development.Crude oil processing volume will surpass 400 million tons and reach up to 410 million tons in 2011.
International Petroleum Economics