

The Numerical Simulation of CA1 Pyramidal Neuronal Firing Waveform
摘要 本文应用神经元房室模型,构造了一个由31个房室组成的海马CA1锥体神经元房室模型,用数值方法探讨海马CA1锥体神经元的放电波形特点。以持续钠电导、快速钠电导和胞体树突耦合强度为例,研究它们对放电波形的影响。结果:①放电波形对持续钠电导非常敏感,持续钠电导的微小改变也能导致放电波形的明显变化;②放电波形每个Burst中Spike个数与快速钠电导存在着明显的线性递增关系;③随着胞体树突耦合强度的增加,每个Burst中Spike个数在急剧减少。 In this paper, we studied the characteristics of the firing waveform of hippocampal CAI pyramidal neuron by numerical method based on constructing a neuron model which consists of 31 compartments. Especially, the effects of persistent sodium conductance, fast sodium conductance and conductance between soma and dendrite on firing waveform were exactly studied. The results showed that,the firing waveform was very sensitive to the change of persistent sodium conductance, even little change of persistent sodium conductance lead to great difference in firing waveform. The number of spikes in one burst of firing waveform grew in a linear relationship with the increasing of fast sodium conductance. And,the number of spikes in one burst of firing waveform decreased rapidly with the increasing of conductance between soma and dendrite.
出处 《北京生物医学工程》 2010年第3期256-260,共5页 Beijing Biomedical Engineering
基金 国家自然科学基金(10872069)资助
关键词 房室模型 离子通道 放电波形 电导 compartment model ionic channel firing waveform conductance
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