
人胎盘组织液抗腹膜粘连作用及其作用机制研究 被引量:3

Efficacy of human placenta tissue hydrolysate on prevention experimental postoperative peritoneal adhesions and its mechanism
摘要 目的:观察人胎盘组织液抗大鼠腹膜粘连作用并探讨其作用机制。方法:采用大鼠腹膜缺损/盲肠刮伤模型,设立模型组、假手术组和人胎盘组织液组,于术后7、14d麻醉下再次开腹,肉眼评定盲肠与周围组织的粘连情况,并取粘连组织进行组织病理学观察,包括HE染色、Masson染色、免疫组化TGF-β1测定。结果:与模型组相比,人胎盘组织液组粘连评分明显降低(P<0.05)。HE染色和Masson染色显示人胎盘组织液组肉芽组织量少,肉芽组织疏松,炎细胞明显减少,胶原纤维明显减少。免疫组化结果显示人胎盘组织液抑制了TGF-β1的表达。结论:人胎盘组织液通过抑制TGF-β1表达,抑制成纤维细胞的增生和胶原蛋白的形成,减轻了大鼠术后粘连发生的程度和范围。 Objective:To observe the efficacy of human placenta tissue hydrolysate on prevention experimental postoperative peritoneal adhesions and discuss its mechanism of action.Methods:A rat model was created by abdominal wall defect and cecal abrasion was used,there were three groups,including model group,model with human placenta tissue hydrolysate group and sham-o control group.Postoperative 7 days and 14 days,the adhesion of cecum and the adjacent tissues were evaluated by naked eyes,then the adhesion tissues were selected to perform histopathological observation,including HE staining,Masson's staining,and TGF-β1 expression was determined by immunocytochemical staining.Results:Compared with model group,the model with injection of human placenta tissue hydrolysate significantly reduced in adhesions score(P0.05),the studies by HE and masson's staining showed that the adhesion tissue between theparietal peritoneum and cecum had less inflammation cells,less fibroblast and less collagen than model group.TGF-β1 expression had been suppressed in the model with human placenta tissue hydrolysate by immunocytochemical staining.Conclusion:Human placenta tissue hydrolysate can reduce TGF-β1 expression and restrain the inflammation cells,fibroblast cells and collagen to prevent the experimental postoperative peritoneal adhesions.
出处 《中国医药导报》 CAS 2010年第17期12-15,共4页 China Medical Herald
关键词 腹膜粘连 人胎盘组织提取液 转化生长因子-Β1 Peritoneal adhesions Human placenta tissue hydrolysate TGF-β1
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