
农地整理项目后期管护效率的影响因素实证研究 被引量:22

An Empirical Analysis of Factors Influencing the Efficiency of the Final Management and Maintenance of Rural Land Consolidation
摘要 农地整理通过提高耕地质量和改善农业生产条件促进粮食增产、农民增收和农业增效,对保障国家粮食安全和实现土地占补平衡都具有重要的现实意义。目前我国农地整理存在着"重前期建设、忽视后期管护"的普遍现象,严重影响了土地整理项目效益的发挥。本文分析了农地整理项目后期管护影响的体系结构,提出了由农户参与、村委会的参与、政府部门的管理及专业化组织的参与组成的项目后期管护主体的因素和由项目后期管护的经济性、生态环保性和工程质量组成的项目后期管护效率的因素基础上,构建了其后期管护效率影响因素的结构方程理论模型,并运用实地调研数据来检验并修正该理论模型。研究结果表明:村委会的参与对农地整理项目后期管护的效率影响最大,其次是农户的参与,而政府部门的管理与专业化组织的参与影响相对较小。最后在实证研究结论基础上,提出了增进后期管护效率的对策建议。 Rural land consolidation (RLC) is an effective way to improve the quality of arable land and the production conditions for agriculture so as to improve the food output,the incomes of peasants and the efficiency of agriculture.To that end,RLC is of significance to ensure food safety and the balance between land development and rearrangement.However,"emphasizing construction while ignoring maintenance" widely occurs in China’ RLC,which seriously affects the efficiency of RLC projects.This paper aims to analyze factors affecting the efficiency of the management and maintenance of RLC projects,indicating that in general,the principals of these projects consist of peasant households,village committee,relevant local governments and certain specialized organization.Various aspects of efficiency of the management and maintenance of RLC projects include the economic characteristic,the eco-environment friendly characteristic,and the quality of such projects.Then a theoretical model was constructed by a set of structural equations.By applying relevant survey data on 29 villager groups of 8 administrative villages from Ezhou and Hancuan Cities in Hubei Province,and Linxiang City and Huarong County in Hunan province,the theoretical model was then tested and further modified.Results show that: 1) the participation of village committee has the largest influence on the efficiency of these projects,followed by peasant households’ behaviors,whereas the effects of administration of governments and participation of specialized organizations were relatively less;2) the distribution of the rights and responsibilities and benefits among different principals has a relatively large effect on the economic characteristic,the eco-environment friendly characteristic,and the quality of these projects;3) the participation of the specialized organization significantly affect the quality of these projects;4) the mode innovation and fund-raising were found to be primary factors affecting the participation of village committee;the checking mechanism,compensation mechanism and incentive mechanism are important factors affecting the administration of government;and 5) the perfect degree of monocase program,the coordination degree among monocase programs and the overall operation quality are factors affecting the engineering quality of management and maintenance of RLC projects.Based on these findings,some measures were put forward to improve the efficiency of final management and maintenance of RLC,such as establishing and perfecting relevant organization systems,improving the participation of peasant households,establishing management mechanisms as well as improving specialized cooperation organizations.
出处 《资源科学》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2010年第6期1169-1176,共8页 Resources Science
基金 国家自然科学基金课题(编号:70773045) 湖北省国土资源厅课题(2008):"湖北省土地整理政策与制度体系建设"
关键词 农地整理 后期管护 结构方程模型 效率 实证研究 Rural Land consolidation Final management and maintenance Structural equation model Efficiency Empirical analysis
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