
高含沙河流汛期弃水量确定的分级最大值法 被引量:9

A Maximum Rating Method for Determination of Abandoned Floodwater in Hyper-concentration Rivers
摘要 针对中国北方干旱半干旱缺水地区高含沙河流汛期洪水资源难于控制利用及评价的问题,以径流特征及水资源开发利用均具有典型性的泾河为例,根据河流径流特征和水资源利用特点,利用流域1933年-2001年汛期6月-10月的径流量、径流泥沙含量和引水量资料,基于它们之间的内在联系,把基本资料序列从小到大进行排列并划分成若干等级,通过对各等级的统计获得上三角形形式的洪水弃水系数与其影响要素之间的等级关系,提出汛期洪水弃水系数计算的分级最大值法,可快速准确地确定出不同沙限下的汛期洪水弃水量,通过与传统方法的比较,结果表明本研究提出的分级最大值法计算所得结果更为合理有效,为流域洪水资源的开发利用及评价提供一种行之有效的方法。 Due to the existence of severe soil and water losses over arid,semi-arid and water-shortage areas in North China,the phenomenon of high sediment concentration in runoffs would occur.The floodwaters in flood season are however difficult to be controlled and utilized,which results in floodwater waste in flood season and an intense situation of water resources supply and demand.This study makes an attempt to seek a relatively optimal approach to evaluating the abandoned floodwater in flood period,that is,the flood volume in flood season that cannot be controlled and utilized by engineering measures.A case study on the Jinghe River,one branch of the Weihe River and a second tributary of the Yellow River,China,was carried out.Both the runoff characteristics and the water resources development and utilization of the Jinghe River basin were taken into account.In terms of the characteristics of runoff and water resources development and utilization in the river basin,three data sequences regarding runoff,sediment concentration in runoff and water diversion amount from the river to the Jinghuiqu Irrigation District in the lower reaches were employed.The data were measured monthly from June to October for the period of time 1933-2001 at the control section of the Jinghuiqu Irrigation District.Their inherent relationships were analyzed in detail.The sequential data about the ratio of water diversion of runoff and the sediment concentration in runoff were generally divided into several grades in an ascending order.The months of their occurrence at each grade were recorded.A rating relationship between the coefficient of abandoned floodwater in flood season and the corresponding influencing factors (e.g.,the sediment concentration in runoff) was obtained in the left upper triangular form.A maximum rating method for coefficient determination of abandoned floodwater in flood season was then presented.The product of the coefficient of abandoned flood water and the natural runoff in flood season can be taken as the volume of abandoned floodwater in flood season.Results for the Jinghe River basin indicate that the method is able to determine efficiently and exactly the amount of abandoned floodwater under different limits of sediment concentration conditions,which would be conductive to utilization of river water resources.Provided that the limit of sediment concentration in runoff is set as 10%,the mean annual amount of abandoned floodwater in flood season over the period 1957-2001 is calculated as 0.840 billion m3,0.049 billion m3 larger than that from the traditional method.Compared with the traditional method,it is proved that the method presented in this study is more rational and effective.The presented approach can provide an effective tool for utilization and evaluation of floodwater resources in rivers with high sediment concentration in North China.
出处 《资源科学》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2010年第6期1213-1219,共7页 Resources Science
基金 高等学校博士学科点专项科研基金资助项目:"环境变迁下洪水演变规律和洪水弃水多维耦合评价研究"(编号:20090211120021)
关键词 高含沙河流 汛期洪水弃水 分级最大值法 干旱半干旱区 泾河 Hyper-concentration river Abandoned floodwater in flood season Maximum rating method Arid and semi-arid area Jinghe River
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