
大分子烃类拉曼光谱特征及在烃包裹体研究中的意义 被引量:11

Raman spectroscopic characteristics of macromolecular hydrocarbons and its significance in the study of hydrocarbon inclusions
摘要 拉曼光谱分析发现,无论大分子烃类含碳数如何不同,分子结构如何复杂,大分子烃类的拉曼谱图有很多相同性,即烃类的拉曼谱图只受烷烃骨架、环烷基和苯环等的影响,并由此形成了四类大分子烃类的拉曼谱图:烷烃类、复杂烷烃类(以环烷基为主)、结构平坦相连的芳香烃类和结构复杂的芳香烃类。烃是石油的主要组分,因此,被包裹在矿物中的石油——烃包裹体的拉曼谱图也只有四种:发强荧光烃包裹体、含沥青烃包裹体、含低碳数芳烃包裹体和烷烃包裹体。激光拉曼对烃包裹体组分有个总体特征的体现,用激光拉曼分析烃包裹体组分中具体烃的种类是不科学的。但通过烃包裹体的拉曼谱图特征,可以研究烃包裹体组分特征、古油藏成熟度及油气演化程度等信息。 Raman analysis shows that no matter how many carbon number and how complicated molecule structure, macromolecular hydrocarbons have the similar Raman spectrograms. Raman spectrograms of hydrocarbon depend on carbon skeleton of alkanes, and number of naphthenic and aromatics rings. Therefore, macromolecular hydrocarbons have four kinds of Raman spectra: simple alkanes, complex alkanes (in naphthene base-based), the flat-linked aromatics and the complex aromatics. hydrocarbon inclusions, as the petroleum wrapped Hydrocarbon is the major components of petroleum. Thus, in minerals, have only four kinds of Raman spectrograms: fluorescent hydrocarbon fluid inclusion, bituminous inclusion, low carbon number aromatic hydrocarbon inclusion, and alkane inclusion. Although laser Raman analysis can not determine the actual compositions of hydrocarbon inclusions, it is able to provide bulk characteristics of the hydrocarbon inclusions. Therefore, some information, such as composition characteristics of hydrocarbon inclusions, maturity of paleo-oil reservoir, and oil and gas evolution, can be presented by the Raman spectroscopic characteristics of hydrocarbon inclusions.
出处 《地球化学》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第4期345-353,共9页 Geochimica
基金 中国石油勘探开发研究院中青年创新基金
关键词 拉曼光谱 烃类 碳质沥青 烃包裹体 Raman spectroscopy hydrocarbon carbonaceous bitumen hydrocarbon inclusion
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