
基于SWMM的滞留池水文效应分析 被引量:12

Hydrological Effect of Detention Ponds Based on SWMM
摘要 暴雨调控措施对消减城市洪峰流量,改善生态环境具有重要的意义。滞留池利用孔、堰等出流设施对径流进行短时间的滞留及排放,从而达到消减洪峰的作用。通过ArcGIS及实测资料获得SWMM所需要的区域特征参数,以区域不透水比例作为输入参数代表区域的城市化程度,利用SWMM模拟软件,分别模拟了该区域城市化前即天然状态下、城市化后无调控措施及城市化后利用滞留池对2年、10年及100年设计暴雨进行调控的径流过程。模拟结果显示,城市化进程显著增大了洪峰流量,缩短了径流持续时间,滞留池在消减洪峰流量方面具有显著的作用,并可以恢复到该区天然状态下的水平;但是,滞留池本身并不能减少区域总的径流量。 Storm management practices are widely used in urban areas for both peak flow reduction and environment improvement.Detention pond is a facility that uses orifice and weirs to detain and release the flow in a short period of time for peak flow reduction.ArcGIS and observation data are used to acquire the parameters for the SWMM model,and the impervious ratio is used here to show the pre-development and post-development condition of the area.Runoff generated by 2-year,10-year and 100-year designed storm is used to analyze the hydrological effect of the pre-development,post-development and detention pond.The results show that urbanization has increased peak discharge greatly and shortened runoff time.Detention pond is prominent in peak discharge reduction and can recover pre-development peak discharge.However,detention pond will not decrease the whole regional runoff.
出处 《中国农村水利水电》 北大核心 2010年第6期5-8,共4页 China Rural Water and Hydropower
关键词 城市化 滞留池 SWMM 洪峰流量 urbanization detention pond SWMM peak discharge
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