
灾难后的心理原始化回归 被引量:7

Psychological Primitive Regression After Disaster
摘要 根据对"5.12"汶川大地震期间的社会心理现象的观察和分析,并基于以往有关重大灾难后民众的心理行为研究,文章提出:灾难性事件会激活"预埋"在我们的生理遗传结构、心理反应倾向以及社会文化传承中的一整套古老的应对模式,此模式经由当时所处的社会政治历史文化的条件与规范的约束和修饰之后,表现为一系列极其复杂的社会态度与行为方式,而其核心则为灾难后心理行为上的原始化回归过程。文章从精神分析和进化心理学角度论述了心理行为上的原始化回归何以能够帮助人类适应灾难,在不确定的环境中寻求更好的生存和生活方式,并将围绕灾难后心理行为原始化回归过程的短期与长期变化探讨和分析灾难后的心理行为变化特征。 Based on the social psychological phenomena after the 5.12 earthquake in Sichuan Province of China,together with the evidences from previous studies on how the disaster altered people's mind and behavior,the author proposed that there were sets of coping patterns that were programmed or preprogrammed in hunman's biological genetic potentialities,psychological responsive tendencies,and social cultural tradition to resist the big blow.These patterns could be triggered and released by the disaster,and regulated and modified by the given social,political,historical,and traditional setting of that time.In spite of its complexity and diversity,the core of these coping patterns is the primitive regression.Primitive regression could support people to adapt well to disaster and seek more life style on the uncertain environment according to the perspective of depth psychology and evolutionary psychology.The characteristics of psychology and behavior were explored by the short term effect and long term effect related with the primitive regression after disaster.
作者 应小萍 罗劲
出处 《中国农业大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 2010年第2期147-156,共10页 Journal of China Agricultural University;Social Sciences
基金 科技部863计划重点项目(2008AA021204)的研究成果
关键词 灾难 原始化回归 进化心理学 迷信 群体 替罪羊 Disaster Primitive regression Evolutionary psychology Superstition Group Scapegoat
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