

What do the Chinese Characters Mark?
摘要 坚持汉字是记录汉语的符号系统的人们,只承认汉字具有标示汉语的功能。本文归纳了汉字标示的几种功能:形意字示形;会意字、指事字示意;借音字示音;意声字既示意又示音。本文认为,一方面汉字作为整字是记录汉语的符号;另一方面,形意字还是事物形态的符号;会意字、指事字、意声字中的意符还是事物形态、类别、属性或质地等的符号;意声字中的音符是汉语语音的符号。汉字示意成为汉语的有力补充,它能把汉语中同音不同义词语从同音词语中分析出来。汉字示意还成为我们认识中华文化的活化石,由此生发出汉字文化学。汉字中借音字和意声字中的音符成为追溯汉语古音的依据。 People who insist that the Chinese characters are of a signal system for the Chinese language only admit that the Chinese characters have the function of marking.This paper sums up the functions that Chinese characters have: the ideaographs can mark the form;the semasiobraphy and the directives can mark the meaning;the sharing-sound characters can mark the sound,the phonograms can mark both the meaning and the sound.The paper gets the points as follows: for one thing,the Chinese characters as a whole system can be considered as the sign to record the Chinese language;on the other hand,the ideaographs can sign the form of many items;the semasiobraphy and the directives can sign the form,classification,attribute and texture of the item;the phonograms can sign the sound of the Chinese characters.The fact that the Chinese characters can sign the meaning is a forceful supplementary,with the capability of discriminating the Chinese characters of same sound but different meanings from the characters sharing the same sound.It will be a living fossil for us to get into Chinese culture,and thus comes character-cultureology.Based on the sound system of sharing-sounding characters and phonograms,it is also possible to trace back the old Chinese phonology.
作者 王有卫
出处 《安徽广播电视大学学报》 2010年第2期64-70,共7页 Journal of Anhui Radio & TV University
关键词 汉字 字形 标示 意识 汉语 形意字 借音字 意声字 the Chinese character the form of the character mark conscious the Chinese language the ideaographs the sharing-sound characters the phonograms
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