用实验生态学的方法对培养中华绒螯蟹离体胚胎的条件进行了研究。结果表明, 温度不仅直接影响胚胎的发育速度,而且通过影响水中真菌的繁殖间接但明显地影响胚胎 的存活率。光照对胚胎发育的影响不明显、在4~8℃的低温环境下,并且卵的密度不大于 100粒/ml时充气与否对胚胎发育的影响也不明显。用0.05~0.1mg/L的了孔雀石绿,2~8 mg/L的亚甲基蓝,20~50mg/L的福尔马林或3~5ml/L的制霉菌素都能有效地抑制水中 真菌的生长。在无真菌感染的情况下,能有效地在4~8℃保存离体河蟹胚胎60d,孵化率达 80 %以上。
For the breeding of invitro embryo of mitten crab Eriocheir sinensis, the temperature of water plays an important part. It affect not only on the development of embryo, but also on the rate of reproduction of fungus, which will cause a decline in the survival rate of embryo. Illumination doesn't affect obviously on the development of the embryo. When the density of the eggs is low while the temperature is 4℃,aeration isn’t essential. Affected by just the right amount of Formalin, Malachite green, Nyffungini and Methylene blue, the fungus will grow very slowly and the embryos will keep fit. But large amount of medicines will kill the embryos. The invitro embryoes will keep high hatching rate (80 % ) for at least 60 days under 4℃ while they are prevented from the fungus infection.
Marine Sciences