
大蒜油与顺铂对人卵巢癌SKOV_3细胞生长抑制的联合作用 被引量:3

Combination effect of garlic oil and cisplatin on growth inhibition of human ovarian carcinoma cell line SKOV_3
摘要 目的研究大蒜油(garlicoil,GO)、顺铂(cisplatin,CDDP)对人卵巢癌SKOV3细胞的生长抑制作用及二者合用时的联合作用。方法体外培养人卵巢癌SKOV3细胞,分别用GO、CDDP、GO+CDDP处理24h,采用四甲基偶氮唑盐(MTT)比色法检测GO、CDDP、GO+CDDP对SKOV3细胞的生长抑制作用,用Chou-Talalay联合指数法评价两药合用对SKOV3细胞生长抑制的联合作用。结果单独应用GO作用于SKOV3细胞24h后,MTT检测发现随着GO浓度的增加,抑制率明显增高。GO和CDDP合用时,二者各自对SKOV3细胞的生长抑制作用增强,GO单用时中效浓度(Dm)为670.5mg/L,与CDDP按浓度比1∶1合用时Dm为138.2mg/L,单用时的Dm是合用时的4.852倍;CDDP单用时Dm为7.088mg/L,与GO按浓度比1∶1合用时Dm为1.037mg/L,单用时的Dm是合用时的6.835倍。GO和CDDP合用时,在不同抑制率下联合指数CI均小于1,所以两药合用时对SKOV3细胞的生长起协同抑制作用。结论在本试验条件下,GO能抑制人卵巢癌SKOV3细胞的生长,同时与CDDP合用时表现为协同作用。 Objective To examine the growth inhibition effect of garlic oil (GO) and cisplatin (CDDP) on human ovarian carcinoma Cell line SKOV3 and the combination effect. Methods SKOV3 cells cultured in vitro were treated with GO, CDDP,GO combined with CDDP for 24 hours. The growth inhibition effect was investigated by MTT colorimetry. The combination effect of GO and CDDP was assessed by Chou and Talalay combination index method. Results After 24 h of GO treated SKOV3 cells,the inhibition rate was increased gradually with GO dose raising. When GO combined with CDDP,the growth inhibition effect was better than they were used alone. The median-effect concentration of GO was 670. 5 mg /L or 138. 2 mg / L when it was used alone or combined with CDDP. The median-effect concentration of CDDP was 7. 088 mg /L or 1. 037 mg / L when it was used alone or combined with GO. The interaction of GO and CDDP was synergistic effect ( CI 1) at different inhibition rates. Conclusion Garlic oil can inhibit the growth of human ovarian carcinoma Cell line SKOV3. The interaction of GO and CDDP was synergistic effect.
出处 《毒理学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第2期116-119,共4页 Journal of Toxicology
基金 山东省科技攻关计划(2008GG2NS02012)
关键词 大蒜油 顺铂 SKOV3细胞 卵巢癌 Garlic oil Cisplatin SKOV3 cells Ovarian carcinoma
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