
阿普唑仑对创伤后应激障碍的预防作用 被引量:5

The preventive effects of alprazolam for post-traumatic stress disorder
摘要 目的:探讨阿普唑仑(alprazolam,APZ)对PTSD(post traumatic stress disorder)模型大鼠的条件恐惧反应、空间学习记忆能力下降的预防作用。方法:将大鼠随机分为空白对照组、单纯给药组(APZ0.125mg/kg/d,APZ2)、单纯应激组,即单次延长结合足底电击应激(single prolonged stress & foot shock,SPS&S)、应激给药小剂量组(SPS&S+APZ0.06mg/kg/d,SPS&S+APZ1)和大剂量组(SPS&S+APZ0.125mg/kg/d,SPS&S+APZ2)。采用SPS&S动物模型,应激后早期将两种不同浓度的APZ饲喂大鼠14d。第14d在电击箱中检测大鼠的条件性恐惧反应,第15~20d在Morris水迷宫中测大鼠的学习记忆能力。结果:同SPS&S组相比,应激后早期使用APZ干预14d不能改善大鼠空间学习记忆能力的下降趋势,不能显著缩短大鼠上台的潜伏期和增加大鼠在目标象限的时间百分比(%),可以明显缓解应激大鼠的恐惧行为(P<0.05)。结论:应激后早期及时给予APZ干预可明显减轻创伤后应激障碍大鼠的恐惧反应,而对应激造成大鼠的学习记忆能力损伤无缓解作用,这一结果可为临床有效防治创伤后应激障碍提供一条新思路。 Objective: To explore alprazolam(APZ) had a preventive effect on the conditioned fear response and the decline of spatial learning memory ability in the PTSD ( post traumatic stress disorder) rats. Methods : Rats were randomly divided into control group, only administer APZ close 0. 125 mg/kg/d (APZ2) group, only subject to single prolonged stress & foot shock(SPS&S) group, administering SPS&S and APZ dose 0.06 mg/kg/d ( SPS&S + APZ1 ) group and administering SPS&S and APZ dose 0. 125 mg/kg/d ( SPS&S + APZ2 ) group. Using SPS&S animal model, the two different concentrations APZ were fed for 14 days in the early after SPS&S of rats. The conditioned fear response was observed at day 14 in the shock box, and checked the learning and memory ability change at day 15 -20 in the Morris water maze. Results: After SPS&S, early intervention with APZ for 14 days could not ameliorated the decline of learning memory abil- ity, not significantly reduced the escape latency period and increased the time percentage in the target quadrant ( % ), and could significantly ameliorate fear responses in rats ( P 〈 0.05 ) in comparison with SPS&S group. Conclusion : In early time after SPS&S the timely intervention with APZ can significantly alleviate the fear response and not alleviate the damage of the learning and memory ability in rats, this provide a new idea for clinically effective prevention on post - traumatic stress disorder.
出处 《神经解剖学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第3期245-248,共4页 Chinese Journal of Neuroanatomy
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(30670758) 全军十一五攻关课题资助项目(06G096) 第四军医大学军事医学项目(05XJZ004)
关键词 阿普唑仑 单次延长结合足底电击应激 创伤后应激障碍大鼠 MORRIS水迷宫 大鼠 Alprazolam single prolonged stress & foot shock post traumatic stress disorder Morris water maze rat
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