
散光的合理治疗策略 被引量:3

Reasonable treatment for astigmatism
摘要 本文通过分析正常人眼散光的生理性变化规律,阐述了目前临床应用的散光治疗方法及优缺点比较。强调治疗前应充分细致地分析患眼的散光状态,个性化地设计治疗方案,为患者提供完美的术后效果,从而有效地提高视觉质量。 The physical change of astigmatism in human eye is analyzed in this article. Different methods for astigmatism applied in clinic are expound and compared with advantages and disadvantages. It is important that analyzing carefully and designing cus- tomized normgram for astigmatism eye to approach the perfect visual function after reasonable treatment.
作者 张丰菊 郭宁
出处 《眼科》 CAS 2010年第3期155-157,共3页 Ophthalmology in China
关键词 散光 治疗 astigmatism treatment
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