
夜间光照对褪黑激素抑制的量化计算 被引量:2

Quantitative Algorithm for Melatonin Suppression by Light at Night
摘要 作为人体的重要激素之一,褪黑激素具备重要的生理功能.不适当的夜间光照会造成人体生物钟节律的异常,进而导致褪黑激素内分泌的抑制.夜间光照引起的褪黑激素抑制与光的波长和色温关系密切.此前尚仍缺乏一个夜间光照对褪黑激素抑制效果的量化计算方案.提出了一种夜间光照对褪黑激素抑制的量化算法,拟合了人体血液褪黑激素抑制率的相对光谱灵敏度归一化曲线,建立了夜间光照与褪黑激素抑制量化计算的算法模型.研究结果为室内安全光照环境的设计提供了理论依据和计算方法,并可在光污染的控制、夜间安全环境照明标准的制定等方面得到应用. As an important hormone, melatonin has a wide range of functions in human body. Inappropriate light at night (LAN) will cause abnormal human circadian rhythm and then lead to melatonin secretion suppression. Melatonin suppression depends on correlated color temperature (CCT) and wavelengths of LAN. So far there was no quantitative algorithm for melatonin suppression by LAN. A relative spectral sensitivity curve of human plasma melatonin suppression was fitted and an algorithm was presented for predicting melatonin suppression by LAN. Theoretical basis and a method were provided for instructing safety strategy of architectural light at night. Also, the results could be applied in controlling light pollution, formulating the standard of safety nocturnal environment illumination and some other fields.
出处 《生物化学与生物物理进展》 SCIE CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第6期686-689,共4页 Progress In Biochemistry and Biophysics
基金 长江学者和创新团队发展计划资助项目~~
关键词 夜间光照 褪黑激素抑制 光谱灵敏度曲线 生物钟节律 算法 light at night melatonin suppression spectra sensitivity curve algorithm
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