
硫化氢对PC12细胞存活素表达的影响及其神经保护作用 被引量:4

Effect of hydrogen sulfide on expression of survivin and its neuroprotective function in PC12 cells
摘要 目的 探讨硫化氢(H2s)对PC12细胞存活素表达的影响及其神经保护作用.方法 应用Western blot检测不同浓度(50~800 μmol/L)的H2S供体硫氢化钠(NaHS)处理PC12细胞不同时间(0~180min)诱导PC12细胞存活素表达的量效和时效关系;细胞计数Kit-8(CCK-8)比色法检测细胞的存活率.结果应用不同浓度NaHS处理PC12细胞30 min后.在50~200 μmol/L浓度范围内呈浓度依赖性地促进存活素表达:但随着NaHS浓度的增加,存活素表达逐渐下降,当NaHS 浓度达800 μmol/L时存活素表达低于正常.应用400 μmo/L NariS处理PC12细胞不同时间,在0~60min时间范围内呈时间依赖性地促进PC12细胞存活素的表达,但随着处理时间的继续延长,存活索的表达逐渐下降.另一方面.400 μmo/L NariS预处理还能增强氯化钴(COCl2)对存活素表达的促进作用.并可显著减轻CoCl2对PC12细胞的损伤作用,使细胞存活率增加.结论 在一定浓度和时间范围内H2S可上调存活素的表达,此作用可能与其保护PC12细胞对抗化学性缺氧损伤有关. Objective To explore the effect of hydrogen sulfide (H2S) on the expression of survivin in PC12 cells and the neuroprotective function of H2S on PC12 cells.Methods Different concentrations of sodium hydrosulfide (NaHS) were used to treat the PC12 cells at different times.Dose-effect (50-800 μmol/L) and time-effect (0-180 min) on the expression of survivin were evaluated by Western blotting.Cell viability was tested by using cell counter kit-8.Results NariS treatment at the concentrations from 50 to 200 μmol/L for 30 min could up-regulate the expression of survivin in a dose dependent manner,however,when the concentration of NariS was above that,the expression of survivin decreased gradually;when the concentration of NariS reached 800 μmoi/L,the expression level of survivin was lower than the normal level.Treatment with 400 μmol/L NariS within the range of 0-60 min could promote the expression of survivin in a time dependent manner,but with the extension of time,the expression of survivin was declined.On the other hand,400 μmol/L NaHS preconditioning could enhance the expression of survivin promoted by CoCl2 and reduce the injuries of PC12 cells induced by CoCl2 to increase the cell viability.Conclusion H2S increases the expression ofsurvivin in a dose and time dependent manners at certain degree,which may be related to the protection of PC12 cells against chemical hypoxic damage.
出处 《中华神经医学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第6期586-589,共4页 Chinese Journal of Neuromedicine
基金 广东省科技计划项目(2008B080703053、2007B080701030)
关键词 硫化氢 氯化钴 化学性缺氧 存活素 PC12细胞 细胞保护 Hydrogen sulfide Cobalt chloride Chemical hypoxia Survivin PC12 cell Cytoprotection
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