
一种无线自组织网络动态路由协议 被引量:4

A Dynamic Routing Protocol for Wireless Ad Hoc Networks
摘要 介绍了一种基于稀疏树的无线自组织网络动态路由协议,该协议采用了稀疏树路径生成算法来减少路由更新的数据量并减少网络链路的冗余,采用增量更新来降低路由协议开销并降低对传输带宽的占用,支持单向信道,采用快速路径查找算法消除网络拓扑动态变化过程中的环路与无穷计数问题。仿真结果显示它具有收敛快,开销小等特性,能够较好地适应窄带无线通信环境的需要。 This paper presents a dynamic routing protocol STRP for wireless Ad Hoc network based on spanning tree.The Shortest path Spanning Tree(SST) algorithm is introduced into STRP,thus to reduce the size of route update and the redundancy of network topology.Meanwhile,the incremental update is adopted to reduce the overhead and the bandwidth requirement of the transmission,while the ameliorated path-finding algorithm(APFA) is used to eliminate the loop and count-to-infinite computation in dynamic network topology.The simulation results show that STRP has such advantages as faster convergence,less overhead ad compared with other routing protocols,and STRP could be fairly adaptable to the narrow wireless communication.
出处 《通信技术》 2010年第6期154-156,159,共4页 Communications Technology
关键词 无线路由协议 自组织网 距离矢量 链路状态 wireless routing protocol Ad Hoc networks distance vector link state
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