

The Pin-shaping Device for IC chip packaged by DIP Based on Recycling
摘要 在电子产品的回收拆卸过程中会产生大量DIP封装的IC芯片,除了引脚会产生机械变形外,这些芯片多数都保留正常的使用功能,经过适当的引脚修正,检测合格后尚可继续使用。文章分析了DIP封装IC芯片引脚变形的原因,比较了国内外现有的引脚整形方法和设备,提出了一种新型的引脚整形装置。该装置可实现对引脚变形的废弃或新的DIP芯片进行粗、精两次整形,适应范围宽,操作速度快,性能/价格比高,为电子产品回收行业提供了一种廉价、高效的引脚整形装备,符合可持续发展的理念。 A large number of IC chips packaged by DIP can be produced during the electronic products' recycling and demolition process.Most of them have remained normal functions,and can still be used by proper pin amendments after being given qualified detection,besides some mechanical deformation.This paper analyzes the reason for deformation of the lead foot with IC chips packaged by DIP and puts forward a new type of pin-shaping device,after comparing with the current pin-shaping method and device at home and abroad.This device can achieve the aim in line with the sustainable development by rough and famous shaping on the abandoned or new IC chip packaged by DIP,which has a wide range of adaptation、high operating speed and high superior quality and cost-effective.It also provides a new type of low-cost and effective pin-shaping device for electronic products' recycling industries.
出处 《组合机床与自动化加工技术》 北大核心 2010年第6期79-81,共3页 Modular Machine Tool & Automatic Manufacturing Technique
基金 国家科技支撑计划项目(2006BAF02A17)
关键词 DIP封装 IC芯片 回收 引脚 整形 dip package IC chip recycle lead foot deformation
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