

Application of the Digital Logging Method on the Exploration of the Madi Coalfield in Qingliu County,Fujian Province
摘要 清流马地煤矿的勘查实例,说明综合数字测井在煤田勘查中能显示煤层分布状况,可有效地对煤层与围岩进行分层,解决地质问题直观,效果较好。 The exploration of the Madi colliery in Qingliu County shows that the comprehensive digital logging method has better ore-hunting results in the reconnaissance of a coal field. Using by the digital logging method, it can obviously display the distribution pattern of coal seams and is able to do an effective substratification of coal seams with country rocks, which has direct-viewing and better exploration results.
作者 范德旺
出处 《福建地质》 2010年第2期135-138,共4页 Geology of Fujian
关键词 数字测井 煤田勘查 清流马地 digital logging, exploration of a coal field, Qingliu County
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  • 1王惠濂.综合地球物理测井.地质出版社,1984.
  • 2福建省地质调查研究院,福建省清流县马地煤矿预查区物探成果报告,2006.
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