目的调查评价网络来源中文唇腭裂健康教育信息的特点及可读性。方法运用3个搜索引擎以"唇裂"、"腭裂"和"家庭信息"3个关键词在网络上搜索。将每次搜索时排前25位的网站下载下来,对网站的内容及专业性进行分析,并使用中文"灰雾指数"(the fog index)对其内容的易读性进行评价。所有数据进行简单的描述性统计分析。结果初次调查回馈的点击率超过240896次。去掉重复的网站,共有65个网站被评估。这些网站主要来源于健康医疗医药网站或者整形美容网站,仅提供有关唇腭裂的一般常识,内容简单,专业性不强,而且置入大量广告。只有3个来自大学或医院等非盈利性机构的唇腭裂网站,提供比较详细的唇腭裂畸形序列治疗信息,且不置入广告。各个网站内容的灰雾指数为7.44~13.64,平均9.24,为初中三年级学生的阅读水平。结论各网站为唇腭裂家庭提供的信息从内容、数量到质量都差别很大,具有专业水准且通俗易懂的唇腭裂健康教育中文网站仍然缺乏。
Objective To investigate the nature and readability of Chinese health information related with cleft lip and palate on the internet.Methods An internet search for "cleft lip","cleft palate",and "family information" was carried out using three Chinese search engines.Within each search,the first 25 relevant websites identified were downloaded and assessed for nature of content and cleft-specificity.Readability was determined using the Chinese version of Fog Scale Level.Data were analyzed by simple descriptive statistics.Results The initial search returned in excess of 240,896 hits.A total of 65 websites were evaluated,excluding repetitions.The website assessed were mostly of medical fitness or plastic beauty website origin,providing general not specific cleft lip and palate information with lots of commercial advertisements.Only three website authored by university or hospital provided some detailed information of cleft lip and palate sequence treatment and without advertisement.The readability score of these websites was 7.44-13.64,with a mean readability score 9.24,equating to reading level at grade 3 middle school.Conclusion Cleft lip and palate-related information for families on the Internet is variable in content,quality,and readability.There is still lack of Chinese websites providing readable and specific cleft lip and palate information.
Journal of Dental Prevention and Treatment
Cleft lip and palate
Health information