
非过程铁元素在纸浆纤维中的富集研究 被引量:1

Accumulation of Non-Process Fe(Ⅲ) on Cellulose Fiber
摘要 探讨了非过程铁元素在纤维素纤维中的富集行为规律。研究发现:大部分外加的铁元素易被洗涤洗去;中性条件下,陈化铁在纤维中的富集量远高于新制铁,外加量大于3000mg/Kg时,新制铁在纤维中的富集量接近饱和,达760mg/Kg,而陈化铁富集没有达到饱和;在0.5%~2%外加氢氧化钠范围内,陈化铁的富集量变化不大,但高于中性条件;另外,螯合剂DTPA对吸附态陈化铁的去除效果明显。 Accumulation of non-process Fe( III ) , fresh Fe( III) and aged Fe( III) on cellulose fiber was studied: most of accumulation of Fe( In ) into the pulp can be washed out easily. At neutral condition, the accumulation of aged Fe( III ) is more than that of fresh Fe( III ) ,when the addition quantity is more than 3000 mg/Kg, the accumulation of aged Fe( III ) can get to maxium(760mg/Kg), but fresh Fe( III ) cant; When the amount of sodium hydroxide was 0.5% - 2% , the accumulation of aged Fe( III ) changed little, but was significantly higher than that under neutral condition; In addition, DTPA can well remove adsorbed aged Fe ( III ) from cellulose fiber.
出处 《造纸科学与技术》 北大核心 2010年第3期93-96,共4页 Paper Science & Technology
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(20776055) 教育部"长江学者和创新团队发展计划"项目(IRJ0552)
关键词 新制铁 陈化铁 纤维素纤维 富集 DTPA fresh Fe ( III ) aged Fe ( III ) cellulose fiber accumulation DTPA
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