
模型修正技术在结构边界连接参数识别中的应用 被引量:2

Application of model updating techniques of parameter in boundary joint structure identification
摘要 对某钢桁架结构进行有限元建模,分析边界连接刚度对该钢桁架结构平面外模态参数的影响.结果表明只有连接刚度的部分分量对平面外参数有显著影响.基于该钢桁架平面外模态参数的实测值,采用模态修正技术对边界连接刚度的部分分量进行识别,得到比较满意的结果.结果表明固有频率实测值与识别值误差很小,在该建模条件下的识别值即为该钢架的边界连接刚度,验证了模型修正技术在解决实际参数识别问题的可行性和有效性. Modelling of a steel truss structure was performed with finite element method.The influence of boundary joint stiffness on external modal parameter of this structure was analyzed.The results showed that only a portion components of joint stiffness had remarkable influence on it.That portion of components of joint stiffness was identified by using model updating techniques based on the measured data of modal parameter.Relatively satisfiactory results were achieved.The results also showed that the difference between the actually measured intrinsic frequency and the frequency identified was very small.The identified stiffness in this modelling condition was indeed the joint parameter of structure,so that the effectiveness and feasibility of the model updating techniques were verified for actual parameter identification problem.
出处 《兰州理工大学学报》 CAS 北大核心 2010年第3期126-129,共4页 Journal of Lanzhou University of Technology
基金 国家自然科学基金(50608016)
关键词 动态特性 连接刚度识别 模型修正技术 钢桁架结构 dynamic behavior joint stiffness identification model updating technique steel truss structure
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