
集体行动如何可能? 被引量:19

A Behavioral Approach to the Rational Choice Theory of Collective Action
摘要 来自各个不同学科的大量的经验研究和理论发展为我们提出了一个要求,即扩展理性选择理论模型的边界,从而使之能够成为研究社会困境和集体行动的基础。首先我将引入如何通过集体行动克服社会困境这一问题,然后本文将分六个部分来进行阐述。第一部分,简单回顾目前流行的理性选择理论对社会困境所作的理论预测;第二部分总结概括目前理论界对完全理性模型的过度依赖所提出的各种质疑,这些质疑是通过大量的经验研究提出的;在第三部分,我将讨论两个主要的经验性发现,表明当人们成功地建立可以借助互惠、信誉和信任来克服短视自利的强烈倾向的条件时,人们就能够达到"优于理性"的绩效;第四部分,探讨建立第二代理性选择模型的可能性;第五部分,和大家共享这个理论的初步设想;第六部分是总结,检验当我们把互惠、信誉和信任置于一种经验导向的行为主义的集体行动理论的核心时,会有什么意义。 Extensive empirical evidence and theoretical developments in multiple disciplines stimulate a need to expand the range of rational choice models to be used as a foundation for the study of social dilemmas and collective action.After an introduction to the problem of overcoming social dilemmas through collective action,the remainder of this article is divided into six sections.The first briefly reviews the theoretical predictions of currently accepted rational choice theory related to social dilemmas.The second section summarizes the challenges to the sole reliance on a complete model of rationality presented by extensive experimental research.In the third section,I discuss two major empirical findings that begin to show how individuals achieve results that are "better than rational" by building conditions where reciprocity,reputation,and trust can help to overcome the strong temptations of short-run self-interest.The fourth section raises the possibility of developing second-generation models of rationality,the fifth section develops an initial theoretical scenario,and the final section concludes by examining the implications of placing reciprocity,reputation and trust at the core of an empirically tested,behavioral theory of collective action.
出处 《华东理工大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 2010年第2期1-30,共30页 Journal of East China University of Science and Technology:Social Science Edition
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