
人类冻融胚胎移植的相关因素综合分析 被引量:1

Comprehensive Analysis on Related Factors to Human Frozen-Thawed Embryo Transfer
摘要 辅助生殖技术(ART)是现代医学治疗不育症的手段之一。辅助生殖技术的发展打破人类繁衍的自然方式和过程,是生殖医学领域的一场革命。随着人们对配子与胚胎培养条件的不断优化,辅助生殖技术的成功率显著提高,现已成为治疗不孕不育症的理想治疗措施之一。冻融胚胎移植作为辅助生殖技术的有效补充治疗手段,日趋受到关注。本文对冻融胚胎移植的相关因素进行了综合分析,得出结论是采用冻融胚胎技术可以提高一次取卵的总妊娠率,冷冻和复苏可降低优质胚胎率,但有较满意的临床妊娠率。在所有相关因素中,冷冻前胚胎质量和年龄是影响冻融胚胎存活率的主要因素,优质胚胎的选择能够明显提高胚胎存活率。 Assisted reproductive technology(ART) is one of the therapeutic means for infertility in modern medicine.It has broken through the natural ways and process of human reproduction,and is a revolution of reproductive medicine.The success rate of ART has been improved significantly along with the continuous optimalization of culture conditions of gametes and embryos.ART has become one of optimal treatments of infertility.Close attention is gradually being paid to frozen-thawed embryo transfer as an effectively supplymentary treatment for ART.The related factors of implantation of cryopreserved human embryo are comprehensively analyzed.It is concluded that the use of embryo freezing and thawing techniques can improve the overall pregnancy rate of the first oocyte retrieval.Freezing and recovery can reduce the rate of good quality embryos,but it has a good clinical pregnancy rate.Among all of related factors,we also cncluded that pre-cryopreservation embryo quality and age are the major factors that affect the survival rate of the frozen-thawed embryos.Choosing the good quality of the embryos to freeze can raise the survival rate.
作者 张寅 伍琼芳
出处 《现代诊断与治疗》 CAS 2010年第3期159-163,共5页 Modern Diagnosis and Treatment
关键词 辅助生殖技术 体外受精 胚胎移植 冻融胚胎移植 Assisted reproductive technology In vitro fertilization Embryo trasplantation Frozen-thawed embryo transfer
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