
应用64层螺旋CT定量局部左室功能正常参考值 被引量:3

Quantitative Normal Reference Value of Regional Left Ventricular Function Using 64-slice Computed Tomography
摘要 目的应用64层螺旋CT定量正常局部左室功能并确定其与年龄及性别的关系。方法所有患者按30-39岁、40-49岁、50-59岁、60-69岁、70-79岁5个年龄段,根据性别不同分为10组。应用64层螺旋CT冠状动脉成像原始数据,将心动周期分割为10个相位,分别获得收缩末期和舒张末期短轴位图像,测量收缩末期室壁厚度(End-Systolic Wall Thickness,ESWT)和舒张末期室壁厚度(End-Diastolic Wall Thickness,EDWT),计算收缩期室壁增厚率(Percentual Systolic Wall Thickening,%SWT)并进行统计分析,了解其与年龄及性别的关系。结果随年龄增长,男性EDWT和ESWT逐渐变薄,女性EDWT和ESWT逐渐增厚,而%SWT无论男女均逐渐增高;相同年龄不同性别EDWT和ESWT在30-39岁、40-49岁和50-59岁有显著性差异,60-69岁和70-79岁无统计学意义,%SWT除30-39岁有显著性差异外,其余各组均无差异性。结论应用64层螺旋CT测量EDWT和ESWT,存在年龄和性别差异,而%SWT随年龄增加无显著的性别差异,是评价左室收缩功能可靠稳定的指标。 Objective To determine age and gender-specific reference values of regional left ventricular function with using 64-slice computed tomography. Methods All sub- jects were divided into10 groups according to different ages, in which 30-39, 40-49, 50- 59, 60-69, and 70-79 years, and different gender. The left ventricular wall thicknesse in end-systolic phase and end-diastolic phase of R-R interval were measured in 16 myocardial segments, respectively. Left ventricular wall thickening were calculated and analyzed, and then the relationship between EDWT and ESWT and %SWT with age and gender were determined. Results With age, EDWT and ESWT gradually became thinner in males, and in females EDWT and ESWT thicker, and %SWT slowly increased in males and females. EDWT and ESWT of the same age and different gender were compared and analyzed, respectively. In group 30-39, 40-49 and 50-59 years, there were significant differences between EDWT and ESWT of males with those of females, but there were no significant differences between EDWT and ESWT of males with those of females in 60-69 years, and group 70-79 years. There were significant differences between %SWT of males with that of females in group 30-39 years, there were no statistical differences among %SWT of males and females in the other groups. Conclusion EDWT and ESWT show significant age-and gender-related differences, but gender-specific %SWT in the remaining were not found besides that of group 30-39years. So %SWT may serve as reference values estimating regional left ventricular function.
出处 《中国CT和MRI杂志》 2010年第3期5-7,4,共4页 Chinese Journal of CT and MRI
关键词 收缩末期室壁厚度 舒张末期室壁厚度 收缩期增厚率 年龄 性别 End-systolic wall thickness(ESWT) End-diastolic wall thickness(EDWT) Percentual Systolic wall thickening(%SWT) Age Gender
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