
对全国四省大、中学生英语听力学习障碍的调查报告 被引量:3

A Nation-wide Investigation on Chinese English Learners' Obstacles in their Process of Learning to Listen
摘要 本研究跨越全国四省六市14所大中学校,调查了我国英语学习者在听力学习过程中的学习障碍,并探究了造成这些听力学习障碍的原因。笔者认为,调查结果显示的17种听力学习障碍是由五类因素引起的,分别涉及学习者的总体英语语言水平、听力理解策略的运用、听力材料的选择使用、情绪和听力学习习惯。本文从我国目前的英语教学实际出发,根据二语习得的相关理论和研究,探讨了本次调查对我国英语听力教学的启示,提出了相应的教学对策。 This study investigates Chinese English learners' obstacles in their process of learning to listen,explores the possible sources of these obstacles,and discusses the implications of the research results.A survey was conducted in 5 universities and 9 middle schools in 4 provinces in China,and Semi-structured interviews were also conducted with the 15 teachers.17 kinds of obstacles in the process of learning to listen were ranked according to the possibilities that the students might encounter them,and 5 sources of the obstacles were elaborated.In the end of this report,some pedagogical implications were discussed and corresponding teaching strategies were provided.
作者 刘凌玲
出处 《青海民族大学学报(教育科学版)》 2010年第3期112-116,共5页 Journal of Qinghai Junior Teachers' College
关键词 听力 学习障碍 理解策略 listening obstacles in the process of learning comprehension strategies
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