

The Simplification and Validation of PRF Kinetic Model Based on HCCI Mode
摘要 引入数值模拟精度的定义,采用两组分参比油模拟了HCCI发动机点火过程,对Youngchul Ra和RoED.Reitz提出的正庚烷与异辛烷氧化过程进行敏感性分析及优化处理,对H.J.Curran的详细反应机理进行数值验证,在验证范围(初始温度530~600K,当量比0.3~0.8,压缩比12.5~28)的大部分区域内,优化后简化模型的数值模拟结果满足一级精度。利用HCCI发动机的三维CFD耦合化学动力学模型,模拟缸内燃烧流动过程,得到缸内压力及中间产物和燃烧相位的关系,计算结果与试验结果吻合较好。 The definition of numerical simulation accuracy was introduced and the ignition process of HCCI engine was simula- ted with the two-component PRF. For the oxidation process of n-heptane and isooctane, which was put forward by Youngchul Ra and Roll D. Reitz, the sensitivity analysis and optimization were carried out. The H. J. Curran detailed reaction mechanism was validated. In the most regions of 530-600 K initial temperature, 0.3-0.8 equivalence ratio and 12.5-28 compression ratio validation range, the numerical simulated results of optimized and simplified model could reach the first-level precision. With the three-dimensional CFD chemical kinetic model of HCCI engine, the combustion process was simulated, the in-cylinder pres- sure and intermediate products relations with combustion phase were acquired and the simulation results showed a good agreement with the experiment results.
出处 《车用发动机》 北大核心 2010年第3期31-34,共4页 Vehicle Engine
基金 山东省青年科学家奖励基金项目(2003BS122)
关键词 均质压燃 化学动力学 数值模拟 参比油 敏感性分析 HCCI chemical kinetic numerical simulation primary reference fuel(PRF) sensitivity analysis
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