

Analysis of ^(241)Pu Radioactivity by Isotope Dilution-Extraction Liquid Scintillation Spectrometer
摘要 建立了同位素稀释-萃取液闪法分析高放废液中241Pu含量的方法,该方法解决了不需要知道化学流程收率就能确定高放废液中241Pu含量的问题,同时萃取液闪技术的应用大大提高了低能核素241Pu在液闪测量中的探测效率。该方法可以用于测定高放废液中241Pu的含量。 The radionuclide 241Pu decays predominantly by β emission with a half-life 14.29 a.The branching ratio of its α-emission is negligibly small.However,it is difficult to measure the radioactivity of 241Pu in a Pu containing complicated sample because of its low β energy.A method for determination of 241Pu in high level liquid waste(HLLW) was developed.It consists of the following steps.The first step is to separate and purify plutonium from HLLW.The chemical yield of plutonium is higher than 95%.Secondly,a determination method by using modern liquid scintillation spectrometry combined with isotope dilution,solvent extraction,and ion exchange chromatography was established to analyze the 241Pu content in HLLW.
出处 《核化学与放射化学》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第3期149-155,共7页 Journal of Nuclear and Radiochemistry
关键词 241Pu 高放废液 同位素稀释法 萃取液闪 241pu high level liquid waste isotope dilution extraction-liquid scintillation
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