Although most people consider Columb the finder of American continent, it has been argued for at least two centuries that if anybody else had reached American continent before Columb. However, studies upon the stone anchors recently found in waters off the western coast of California may supply a lot of new evidence to bring an end to this controversy. By far, specialists from different scientific fields have examined these stone objects, and obtained some significant conclusions. However, different opinions upon these new findings are also raised. Generally, there are two crucial problems for the revealing of the mysterious history of these anchors: one is where did these stone anchors originally come from? and the other is when did they fall into the sea water?. Despite through archaeological, historical, and ethnological studiey upon these anchors to obtain answers for the above two problems, it has special significance to identify the origins of the lithic materials from which these stone anchors are made and to infer the time when they fell into waters through geological studying. So we identified the original places through petrologic and palaeontological study upon the lithic material of one of the stone anchors found in the water of the western coast offshore of California. Then, By radiocarbon dating upon the shells inside this stone anchor, we also infered the time for this anchor falling into the sea. From the results of these studyings, we can draw two fundamental conclusions: (1) The original material of the stone anchor is not from the American continent itself, but distributed around the circum Pacific Neo Alps fold bets, including Japan, Taiwan, Malaysia, Indonesia, western Asian, and the coasts of Mediterranean, and so on. (2) These anchors must have fallen into the sea 1545±115 years ago from 1950 on, i.e., it has fallen into the sea at least before 520 A.D.——more than a thousand years earlier than the time when Coloumb first arrived in American continent. Combined with archaeological studying, it is very possible for other people to reach the American continent before Columb arrived there.
Chinese Journal of Geology(Scientia Geologica Sinica)
Stone anchors dewatered from the coast of California, Original place, In water time, Geological evidence